Curriculum Vitae

since 2013

since 2005

2004 - 2013

1997 - 2004

1995 - 1997
Scuola Germanica di Milano, Italia
Deutsche Schule Mailand, Italien
Teaching physics and mathematics.

Wiley-VCH publisher, Weinheim, Germany
Scientific editor for Imaging & Microscopy. Responsibilities: Revision and improvement of text due to content, language and style. Communication with authors and support during the whole publication process.

Different Schools, Moers, Munich, Germany

University of Brussels
, Department of Chemical Physics of Surfaces and Heterogenious Catalysis, Brussels, Belgium

University of Münster, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Münster, Germany




German Second State Exam, Studienseminar Kleve, Germany, Seminar GHR Sek I, Title of the term paper: "Developement of a Concept for Night Observing Sessions in Astronomy"

PhD, Physics, Free University of Brussels ULB, Belgium
Thesis Title: Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels: Studies of Tribology and Rheology using Scanning Force Microscopy"
Committee in charge: Prof. Dr. N. Kruse, Prof. Dr. D. Ivanov, Prof. Dr. Y. Geerts

DEA, Diplôme d'etudes approfondies en sciences, Free University of Brussels ULB, Belgium

Dipl.-Phys., Diplom in Physik, University of Münster, Germany
Title: "Development of a Fluid Cell for Scanning Force Microscopy Studies of Bio-macromolecular Structures"
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. R. Reichelt, Dr. M. Amrein

[26] Matzelle, T.M., Friedrich, M.
"Music and Physics - The Connection is Fantastique". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 14 (3) 2012
[25] Matzelle, T.R., Friedrich, M.
"3D Microscopy with a Rhinestone?" Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 13 (2) 2011
[24] Matzelle, T.R., Friedrich, M.
"Revealing the Secrets of Paintings". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 13 (1) 2011
[23] Matzelle, T.R., Friedrich, M.
"There's Plenty of Room for Nano MRI". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 12 (3) 2010
[22] Matzelle, T.R., Reichelt, R.
"Hydrogels". Short Review.
Imaging & Microscopy 11 (3) 2009
[21] Matzelle, T.R.
"Joint Meeting in the City of Science and Culture". Announcement.
Imaging & Microscopy 11 (4) 2009
[20] Matzelle, T.R.
"3D-Images of Material Structures". Book Review.
Imaging & Microscopy 11 (4) 2009
[19] Matzelle, T.R.
"Science of Microscopy". Book Review.
Imaging & Microscopy 10 (2) 2008
[18] Friedrich, M., Schroth, B., Matzelle, T.R., Krauth, S.
"10 Years of Facts and Visions". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 10 (4) 2008
[17] Matzelle, T., Reichelt. R
“Hydro-, Micro- and Nanogels studied by Complementary measurements based on SEM and SFM. A Review.“
Acta Microscopica 17 (1) 2008
[16] Matzelle, T.R., Friedrich, M.
"Nobel Prize for Surface Scientist Gerhard Ertl". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 9 (4) 2007
[15] Matzelle, T.R.
"Microscopes and Telescopes Rather Confuse the Human Mind". Editorial.
Imaging & Microscopy 9 (1) 2007
[14] Munuera, C., Matzelle, T.R., Kruse, N., López, M.F. Gutiérrez, A., Jiménez, J.A., and Ocal, C.
“Surface elastic properties of Ti alloys modified for medical implants – A force spectroscopy study”
Acta Biomaterialia 3, 113-119, 2007
[13] Matzelle, T.
“Durch Mikroskopie zu neuen Materialien - Der Vorstoß in die Nanowelt liefert Ideen für die Herstellung faszinierender Werkstoffe“
GIT Laborfachzeitschrift 10 (50) 884-886, 2006
[12] Gutiérrez, A., Munuera, C., López, M.F., Jiménez, J. A., Morant, C., Matzelle, T., Kruse, N., and Ocal, C.
"Surface microstructure of the oxide protective layers grown on vanadium-free Ti alloys for use in biomedical applications”
Surf. Sci. 600, 3780-3784, 2006
[11] Matzelle, T.R.
"Close Look to the Nanoworld. Inauguration Colloquium on the New High-performance Microscope in Münster, Germany". Event Report.
Imaging & Microscopy 8 (1) 2006
[10] Matzelle, T.R.
"Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels: Studies of Tribology and Rheology using Scanning Force Microscopy"
Doctoral Thesis, Free University of Brussels ULB, 2004
[9] Matzelle, T.R., Reichelt, R., and Kruse, N.
“The Influence of Crosslinking Density to the Elastic Properties of ‚Smart’ Polymers : A Scanning Force and Scanning Electron Microscopy Study”
Microsc. Microanal. 9 (Suppl. 3), 460-461, 2003
[8] Matzelle, T.R., Geuskens, G., and Kruse, N.
“Elastic Properties of poly-N-isopropylacrylamide and polyacrylamide hydrogels studied by Scanning Force Microscopy”
Macromolecules 36, 2926-2931, 2003
[7] Matzelle, T.R., Gnaegi, H., Ricker, A., and Reichelt, R.
“Characterization of the cutting edge of glass and diamond knives for ultramicrotomy by scanning force microscopy using cantilevers with a defined tip geometry. Part II”
J. Microsc. 209, 113-117, 2002

[6] Matzelle, T.R., Gnaegi, H., and Reichelt, R.
“Characterization of the cutting edge of glass and diamond knives for ultramicrotomy by scanning force and field emission scanning electron microscopy”
Proc. 15th Internat. Congr. on Electron Microscopy. Eds. J. Engelbrecht, T. Sewell, M. Witcomb, R. Cross. Publ. Microscopy Society of Southern Africa. Durban, ISBN 0-620-29294-6, vol. 2, 125-126, 2002
[5] Matzelle, T.R., Ivanov, D., Landwehr, D., Heinrich, L.A., Herkt-Bruns, Ch., Reichelt, R., and Kruse, N.
“Micromechanical properties of the 'smart' gel PNIPAAm. A scanning force and scanning electron microscopy study”
J. of Phys. Chem. B 106, 2861 – 2866., 2002
[4] Reichelt, R., Matzelle, T.R., Keller, U., and Kruse, N.
“Low voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM) of a nonionic hydrogel: a study of different structural states”
Proceedings of the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, ed. S. Cech, R. Janisch, vol I, B589-B590, 2000
[3] Matzelle, T.R., Herkt-Bruns, Ch., Heinrich, L.A., and Kruse, N.
“Tribological properties of N-isopropylacrylamide as studied by scanning force microscopy”
Surf. Sci. 454-456, 1010-1015, 2000
[2] Matzelle, T.R., Kruse, N., and Reichelt R.
“Characterization of the cutting edge of glass knives for ultramicrotomy by scanning force microscopy using cantilevers with a defined tip geometry”
J. Microsc. 199, 239-243, 2000
[1] Matzelle T.R.
"Development of a fluid cell for scanning force microscopy studies of bio-macromolecular structures"
Diploma-Thesis, University of Münster, Germany, 1997